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ANDREWS, K. R. The Concept of Corporate Strategy. New York: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1971.

ANSOFF, H. I. "Checklist for Competitive and Competence Profiles." Corporate Strategy, pp. 98-99. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

BROCK, G. The U.S. Computer Industry. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Press, 1975.

BUCHELE, R. "How to Evaluate a Firm." California Management Review, Fall 1962, pp. 5-16.

BUFFA, E. S. Modern Production Management. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 1973.

BUZZELL, R. D. "Competitive Behavior and Product Life Cycles." In New Ideas for Successful Marketing, edited by John Wright and J. L, Goldstucker, pp.

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BUZZELL, R. D., GALE, В. Т., AND SULTAN, R. G. M. "Market Share—A Key to Profitability." Harvard Business Review, January-February 1975, pp. 97-106.

BUZZELL, R. D., NOURSE, R. M., MATTHEWS, J. В., JR., AND LEVITT, T. Marketing: A Contemporary Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.



CANNON, J. Т. Business Strategy and Policy. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1968.

CATRY, В., AND CHEVALIER, M. "Market Share Strategy and the Product Life Cycle." Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, October 1974, pp. 29-34.

CHRISTENSEN, C. R, ANDREWS, K. R., AND BOWER, J. L. Business Policy: Text and Cases. Homewood, ILL.: Richard D. Irwin, 1973.

CLIFFORD, D. K., JR. "Leverage in the Product Life Cycle." Dun's Review, May 1965.

COREY, R. Industrial Marketing. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976.

Cox, W. E., JR. "Product Life Cycles as Marketing Models." Journal of Business, October 1967, pp. 375-384.

DANIELS, L. Business Information Sources. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

DAY, G. S. "Diagnosing the Product Portfolio." Journal of Marketing, April 1977, pp. 29-38.

D'CRUZ, J. "Quasi-Integration in Raw Material Markets." DBA Dissertation, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1979.

DEAN, J. "Pricing Policies for New Products." Harvard Business Review, Vol.

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DEUTSCH, M. "The Effect of Motivational Orientation Upon Threat and

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Doz, Y. L. Government Control and Multinational Strategic Management. New York: Praeger, 1979.

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FORBUS, J. L., AND MEHTA, N.T. "Economic Value to the Customer." Staff paper, McKinsey and Company, February 1979.

FORRESTER, J. W. "Advertising: A Problem in Industrial Dynamics." Harvard Business Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, March/April 1959, pp. 100-110.

FOURAKER, L. F., AND SIEGEL, S. Bargaining and Group Decision Making: Experiments in Bilateral Monopoly. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.

FRUHAN, W. E., JR. The Fight for Competitive Advantage. Cambridge, Mass.: Division of Research, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration,


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GILMOUR, S. C. "The Divestment Decision Process." DBA Dissertation, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1973.

HARRIGAN, K. R. "Strategies for Declining Industries." DBA Dissertation»

Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1979.

список основных источников


HUNT, M. S. "Competition in the Major Home Appliance Industry."

Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1972.

KNICKERBOCKER, F. T. Oligopolistic Reaction and Multinational Enterprise.

Cambridge, Mass.: Division of Research, Harvard Graduate School of

Business Administration, 1973.

KOTLER, P. Marketing Management. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.

LEVITT, T. "Exploit the Product Life Cycle." Harvard Business Review, November/December 1965, pp. 81-94.

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Pathways to Corporate Growth. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

MEHTA, N. T. "Policy Formulation in a Declining Industry: The Case of the Canadian Dissolving Pulp Industry." DBA Dissertation, Harvard Graduate

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MOORE, F. G., Production Management. 6th ed. Homewood, ILL.: Richard D.

Irwin, 1973.

NEWMAN, H. H. "Strategic Groups and the Structure-Performance Relationship."

Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. LX, August 1978, pp. 417-427.

NEWMAN, W. H., AND LOGAN, J. P., Strategy, Policyand Central Management.

Chapter 2. Cincinnati, Ohio: South Western Publishing, 1971.

PATTON, ARCH. "Stretch Your Product's Earning Years." Management Review, Vol. XLVII, No. 6, June 1959.

POLLI, R., AND COOK, V. "Validity of the Product Life Cycle." Journal of Business, October 1969, pp. 385-400.